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Will sunlight damage outdoor rattan furniture?


This is a question that many outdoor furniture enthusiasts are interested in. Outdoor rattan furniture is popular for its natural beauty and comfort, but will strong sunlight damage it? Next, let's explore this issue together.

First of all, sunlight is a major threat to outdoor rattan furniture. When exposed to strong sunlight for a long time, the rattan of outdoor rattan furniture is susceptible to ultraviolet rays, causing fading, cracking and even breaking. Especially in the hot summer, the high temperature under the sun will accelerate the aging speed of rattan furniture and shorten its service life.

Secondly, the care and maintenance of outdoor rattan furniture is the key to slowing down the damage caused by sunlight. Regularly cleaning the dust and dirt on the surface of the furniture and applying sunscreen or preservatives can effectively reduce the damage of sunlight to the furniture. In addition, avoid exposing the furniture to direct sunlight for a long time. You can build a sunshade or use an umbrella to block the sunlight and protect the furniture from excessive exposure.

In addition, choosing high-quality outdoor rattan furniture is also an important measure to reduce the damage caused by sunlight. High-quality rattan furniture usually uses treated natural rattan, which has good weather resistance and UV resistance, can better resist the damage of sunlight and extend the service life of furniture.

In summary, sunlight does cause a certain degree of damage to outdoor rattan furniture, but through reasonable care and maintenance, and choosing high-quality furniture materials, its impact can be effectively reduced and the service life of furniture can be extended.

outdoor rattan furniture

In addition to sunlight, what other damages will outdoor rattan furniture suffer?

In addition to the influence of sunlight, what other damages will outdoor rattan furniture suffer? Let's find out.

First of all, moisture and rain are another major threat to outdoor rattan furniture. A humid environment can easily cause rattan to mold and rot, and the soaking of rainwater can cause furniture to deform, fade or even damage. Therefore, in humid seasons or rainy days, outdoor rattan furniture needs to be put indoors or under a sunshade in time to avoid long-term exposure to rain.

Secondly, insect pests are also a major hidden danger of outdoor rattan furniture. In the outdoor environment, insects and termites may erode rattan, causing furniture to become fragile and fragile. Therefore, regularly check whether there are signs of insect infestation on the surface of the furniture. If problems are found, take corresponding prevention and control measures in time, such as spraying insect repellent or wiping insecticide.

In addition, the use and maintenance of furniture will also affect its durability and service life. Long-term use, friction and collision will accelerate the wear of furniture, and incorrect cleaning and maintenance methods will damage the coating and color of the furniture surface. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the correct use and maintenance methods, clean the surface of the furniture regularly, and apply maintenance oil or preservatives regularly to maintain the gloss and beauty of the furniture.

In summary, in addition to sunlight, factors such as moisture, rain, and insect pests will also affect the use effect of outdoor rattan furniture. Through reasonable maintenance and maintenance, the impact of these damages can be reduced and the service life of furniture can be extended.

rattan furniture

How to properly maintain outdoor rattan furniture?

The maintenance of outdoor rattan furniture is very important, and the correct maintenance method can extend the service life of furniture. Next, let's discuss how to properly maintain outdoor rattan furniture.

First of all, regular cleaning is the key to maintaining outdoor rattan furniture. You can use a mild detergent and a soft brush to clean the dust and dirt on the surface of the furniture, then rinse it with clean water, and finally wipe the surface of the furniture with a dry cloth to ensure that the furniture is dry. During the cleaning process, it is necessary to avoid using overly irritating detergents and hard brushes to avoid damaging the rattan and coating on the surface of the furniture.

Secondly, regular application of maintenance oil or preservatives is a necessary step in maintaining outdoor rattan furniture. Maintenance oil can moisturize and protect the rattan on the surface of the furniture to prevent it from cracking and falling off; preservatives can prevent the rattan from being eroded by mold and moths, extending the service life of the furniture. Before applying maintenance oil or preservatives, you need to clean the surface of the furniture first, then evenly apply maintenance oil or preservatives, and wait for it to be completely absorbed and dried before proceeding to the next step.

In addition, avoid exposing outdoor rattan furniture to strong sunlight for a long time. You can build a sunshade or use an umbrella to block the sun and protect the furniture from excessive exposure. When the furniture is not in use, it can be put indoors or in a sunshade to avoid being soaked in moisture and rain.

In summary, the correct maintenance methods include regular cleaning, applying maintenance oil or preservatives, avoiding long-term exposure to the sun, etc., which can effectively extend the service life of outdoor rattan furniture and maintain its beauty and comfort.