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Why does rattan furniture smell? Is it moldy?


Rattan furniture is loved by many families for its natural beauty and environmentally friendly characteristics. However, some consumers find that rattan furniture emits a unique smell when using it. Is this smell of rattan furniture normal? Is it caused by mold?

This article will explore in depth the reasons why rattan furniture emits odors, how to identify the source of the odor, and effective treatment methods to help consumers properly maintain rattan furniture.

rattan furniture

Materials and odors of rattan furniture

Rattan furniture is usually woven from natural rattan, which is an environmentally friendly material with a natural plant scent. However, in addition to natural odors, rattan furniture may emit other types of odors during use. The sources of these odors are mainly the following:

1. Natural plant odor:

Natural rattan retains the odor of the plant itself during processing, which is usually harmless and will gradually disappear after a period of time. Newly purchased rattan furniture often has this natural odor.

2. Odors from treatment and processing:

During the processing and production of rattan, some chemical treatment agents such as insect repellents, preservatives or varnishes may be used. These chemicals may emit a certain odor when the furniture is first used, but they usually evaporate and disappear after a period of time.

3. Odors from the environment and storage:

During storage or transportation, rattan furniture may be affected by the environment and absorb some external odors, such as the damp odor of the warehouse or the odor of other items. These odors usually dissipate gradually after the furniture is placed in a ventilated environment for a period of time.

Natural rattan furniture

The possibility of mold in rattan furniture

As a natural material, rattan is easy to absorb moisture in a humid environment, thus providing conditions for the growth of mold. The reproduction of mold will not only cause mold spots on the surface of the furniture, but also emit an unpleasant musty odor. Therefore, when rattan furniture emits an odor, it is necessary to check whether it is moldy.

1. Conditions for mold growth:

Mold usually grows in warm, humid and poorly ventilated environments. Therefore, if rattan furniture is in a humid environment for a long time and is not well ventilated, it is easy to mold.

2. Identification of mold spots and moldy odors:

Check whether there are mold spots (usually small green, black or white spots) on the surface of rattan furniture. The appearance of mold spots is direct evidence of mold growth. At the same time, if the furniture emits an odor similar to that of a damp basement or moldy food, it is likely to be moldy.

maintain rattan furnitur

How to deal with the odor of rattan furniture?

Depending on the different sources of the odor, there are many ways to effectively deal with the odor problem of rattan furniture.

1. Remove natural plant odors:

For newly purchased rattan furniture, if it is just a natural plant odor, the following methods can be used to accelerate the dissipation of the odor:

    ● Ventilation: Place the furniture in a well-ventilated place to allow the odor to evaporate naturally.

    ● Sunlight exposure: Moderate sunlight exposure can help remove plant odors, but avoid long-term exposure to the sun to prevent the rattan from drying and cracking.

    ● Adsorbent: Use adsorbents such as activated carbon, bamboo charcoal or baking soda to place near the furniture to absorb odors.

2. Dealing with the smell of chemical treatment agents:

If it is the smell of chemical treatment agents, it can be dealt with by the following methods:

    ● Ventilation and sunlight: Similarly, ventilation and moderate sunlight can accelerate the volatilization of chemicals.

    ● Wipe cleaning: Use warm water and a small amount of neutral detergent to wipe the surface of the furniture, then wipe it clean with a clean damp cloth, and then wipe it dry with a dry cloth.

3. Eliminate environmental and storage odors:

For odors adsorbed in the environment or during storage, the following measures can be taken:

    ● Ventilation and sunlight: This is the simplest and most effective method.

    ● Natural adsorption: Use natural adsorbents such as activated carbon, bamboo charcoal or baking soda.

    ● Cleaning: Clean the surface of furniture with warm water and neutral detergent.

4. Dealing with mold problems:

If the furniture is already moldy, more thorough treatment is required:

    ● Cleaning and disinfection: Use a damp cloth to dip in warm water and white vinegar or a mixture of warm water and alcohol (1:1 ratio) to wipe the moldy area, then wipe it clean with a clean damp cloth, and finally wipe it dry with a dry cloth.

    ● Thoroughly dry: After cleaning, place the furniture in the sun or in a well-ventilated place to dry thoroughly to ensure that mold cannot continue to grow.

    ● Anti-mold treatment: You can spray some anti-mold spray on the surface of the cleaned furniture to prevent mold from growing again.

rattan furniture

How to prevent rattan furniture from getting moldy?

In order to avoid mold on rattan furniture, you need to pay attention to the following points in daily use:

1. Keep dry:

Avoid placing rattan furniture in a humid environment, especially in the rainy season or in areas with high humidity, and try to keep the room dry. Using a dehumidifier or air conditioner can effectively control indoor humidity.

2. Regular ventilation:

Maintaining good indoor ventilation can effectively reduce the possibility of furniture absorbing moisture. Especially in rainy seasons, pay more attention to ventilation to prevent furniture from getting damp.

3. Moderate cleaning:

Regular cleaning of rattan furniture, especially cleaning surface dust and dirt, can effectively prevent mold growth. Wipe with warm water and neutral detergent, and then dry thoroughly.

4. Use anti-mildew products:

Placing some anti-mildew products, such as anti-mildew bags and anti-mildew tablets, on the surface of furniture or storage space can effectively prevent the growth of mold.

I hope this article can provide you with useful information to help you better understand and maintain rattan furniture and enjoy the natural beauty and comfort it brings.